Private Business Coaching Intensive

This business coaching intensive is for you when you are ready to expand your comfort zone and to start playing big

Do you want to:

  • Grow a meaningful 6-figure business based on what you love doing?
  • Finally create that impact in the world you always dreamed of?
  • Find your life's purpose and do what you are meant to do?
  • Learn selling without selling but winning the trust of loyal and exited fans?
  • Stop working hard and finally get yourself the lifestyle you always dreamed of?

In our interactive 2-day workshop you learn:


  • What it takes to be seen and followed by others
  • To find your own genius to position yourself successfully
  • To be acknowledged as the expert in your field
Linda Benninghoff

What I got out of the seminar, exceeded my expectations big time. I never thought, that you can create such an intensity and connection between Texas and Germany over Skype and that all needs of each participant individually will be fulfilled and discussed at this kind of deep level.

I felt very comfortable in this group and it was so interesting for me to see, that we all more or less struggle with the same challenges. To become visible and to market ourselves.

Through the work with Mara and Marie, each participant has a clue, in which direction they want to go and which steps to take next.

Also in the seminar we worked on our "own story" and how to reach and connect with others. Before the seminar I had talked to both trainers and we discussed the importance to get support from business men, especially for me in my online business. Two days after the seminar, one of the most successful bloggers contacted me and asked me about a cooperation together with him. Without me doing anything, just being open for the possibility. That made me very happy and I felt confirmed ones again that I booked this great seminar. I can highly recommend this seminar to anyone who need support in their business. For little money I got a lot of support and advice which I could immediately implement in my business and life. Thank you Mara and Marie.

Linda Benninghoff ,

When and where?

  • Where: Los Angeles

  • When: Sat / Sun, Aug 15th - 16th 2015, 10am - 6pm

  • Tuition: $900

  • Location: tba

Ross Smith

I revised my website the day after the seminar ended (the rule about doing something within 48 hours really works!). And today, I agreed to do a seminar on renovation planning at Austin's 'green' home improvement store, Treehouse', in mid-August. Woohoo!

Ross Smith, Home Improvement Consultant,


Why come to the seminar:

Carmen Fries

The 2-day workshop in Austin with participants from USA, Switzerland and Germany was for me a great experience and it is still reverberating even two weeks later. I could leave my shyness of Skype immediately behind me, after I first connected to you both in our initial first call. After the weekend workshop I feel lighter, more free and more happy.

This is what I realized and attained:

- I expanded and introduced new themes to my existing fanpage "Feel Good".
- My number of followers increased from approximately 22,000 to 28,000 international followers within that short time.
- I spontaneously created 2 new project ideas.
- My personal statements in regards to my posts are more accurate and more in detail. I dare to express myself more, especially in writing.
- My next steps in regards to blogging and launching my website are in preparation.
- On top of all this I implemented a new special posting and fun contest as a great marketing tool on my website.

Mara and Marie, to me you are both great role model entrepreneurs and a true source of inspiration. Thank you for sharing your spirituell energy. It is still unbelievable to me, how amazing it also works on Skype to transport and conduct a seminar on that hight level. Before hand I was so skeptical and I thought that I have to attend in person, but I really experienced that I got as much, as I was there in person.

Carmen Fries, Feelgood At Office


After the seminar you:

  • Have expanded your comfort zone to be ready to go for what you really want in life
  • Have found your unique and outstanding positioning to stand out in the market
  • Are 100% clear about what you want to offer
  • Have found your true and authentic voice
  • Have learned how to sell without selling


About Mara and Marie

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Mara is a 35 year old author and motivational speaker from Austria / Europe.

With her blog, podcast and book she motivates and inspires more than 30.000 women and men every month to live a successful and compelling life.



Marie is a 40 year old coach and trainer originally from Germany, living in Los Angeles.

As a modern muse she supports women and men in expanding their comfort zone and getting everything they truly desire in business and life.

Are you interested in the seminar?

Do you have a question?

Sign up for a free 15 min consultation!

  • How: Skype / Facetime / US phone number
  • Duration: 15 min


Mara and Marie talk about what it takes to become a modern muse:

Jacob Garcia

Before the seminar I felt my life was out of sync. I was unsure of myself and it was causing a lot of frustration. I needed help. I went into the seminar with an open mind, ready to absorb all the information I could. The seminar was extremely beneficial! It was brought to my attention that I possessed distinct personality traits. I hadn't nourished or utilized these traits to my advantage. It was enlightening.

Since the seminar I have a better understanding of who I am and what I have to offer. My life has seen a significant improvement. Being aware of my skills has allowed me to get my life back into sync. I am able to connect with people on a new level.

With the guidance from Mara's and Marie's seminar my goals will get accomplished.

Jacob Garcia, Graphic artist